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What is Taiwan Fishing and Taiwan Fishing Method

Release time:2023-03-31 15:31:15popularity:

Taiwan fishing, also known as hanging fishing, is the abbreviation of Taiwan's fishing method. It was introduced from Taiwan to the mainland in the 1980s. Compared to traditional fishing, Taiwan fishing has its own uniqueness, and the fishing effect is also immediate. After Taiwan fishing was introduced to the mainland, it became popular for a while, and now its techniques are more comprehensive and flexible.


For Taiwan fishing, it can be divided into two types: leisure fishing and competitive fishing. Leisure fishing is mainly for wild fishing, and sometimes a combination of traditional fishing is adopted to make Taiwan fishing more suitable for the fish and water conditions at that time. The competitive fishing platform fishing method requires high equipment and technical requirements, especially the basic skills of competitive anglers.

There are many technical essentials in Taiwan fishing. Generally, each step of Taiwan fishing has skills to speak of, such as throwing the rod, adjusting the float, baiting, feeding, pressing the line, flying fish, walking fish, and so on. To learn Taiwanese fishing well, one must have a solid foundation in basic skills. Without three years or two of practical fishing experience, one cannot fully master the two aspects of adjusting the float and baiting.

Getting all the equipment for Taiwan fishing is a significant expense. Nowadays, fishing sometimes feels like it has changed its flavor and is no longer just a pleasure. When you have nothing to do, go to the fishing pool to see if the equipment is getting better one by one, but the number of fish caught is decreasing. Learning Taiwanese fishing equipment is the second priority, and one must enjoy it, constantly strive for progress, and learn some new Taiwanese fishing techniques. Only by listening, watching, asking, and practicing more can one improve their Taiwan fishing skills. For more information about Taiwan fishing, please refer to the Taiwan Fishing Techniques section at least.

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